
Version .025 New Changes (11/4/2023):


-Hotkey building models updated

-Fix to building models under construction not updating on age update

-Fixed gates not assigning health correctly on age up


-Age 5 Building models added

-Five new units for the Resistance Age: Militia, Partisan, Hoverram, Gunfloat, Energy Bombard

-Age 5+ Music added

-Age 5 Bubb events added

-Added Armour modifier for Human level armoured units


-Modified projectile trajectory to be more accurate at a further range.

Version .0241 New Changes (26/3/2023):


-Speed now assigns properly to newly trained units

-Fixed cutscene sometimes ending abruptly

-Bombards now level with Ranged as opposed to Infantry

-Human soldiers no longer walk on water


-Cutscene music has been added

-Age 4 events added for enemy Bubbs

-New menu revision


-Slight trade overhaul, import and export now switches between more gold or energy

-Further boosts to market output and impact on gold investment

-Some enemy units have specific stats (Enemy Bombard range) improved

-Enemy Town Centers now gain health over time and on age up

-Enemy may execute a potent counterattack once significantly threatened

Version .024 New Changes (23/3/2023):


-Fixed hotkey criteria for Farms (25->20)

-Fixed tooltip value for Workshops


-One Stone Age track added

-Four Bronze Age+ tracks added

-Five new units for the Contact Age: Airlancer, Aircannoneer, Dragoon, Bombard, Juggernaut (Contact)

-One new shrine unit added for the Aluminium Age: Priest

-One new human Artillery unit added

-Secondary tooltip added

-Colour coded building icons added

-Cutscenes system added, with a skip mechanic

-Can now allocate energy to academies, boosting your RP modifier


-Improved strength of human special units

-Tech cost increase from 5 to 10 per tech

-Doubled merchant effectiveness

Version .023 New Changes (9/3/2023):


-Action tab re-centered

-Fixed enemy Spear Throwers not spawning

-Fixed outlines staying when double clicking buildings

-Fixed building health assigning on age up


-New Building: Farm

-New Bronze Age Building: Market

-Added trade mechanics in the society menu

-Updated building models based on age

-Added background terrain

-Building sprites updated

-One music track modified

-Sound slider in settings added


-Modified society menu values to fit trade mechanics

-Modified some building values to fit new version

-Research funding has been made exponential

-New formula for spawning units based on signficantly reducing lag later on

Version .022 New Changes (23/2/2023):


-Unit categorisation changed, fixing units detecting when they are in combat

-Music now gradually fades in/out for combat


-Ingame ambient music style revisited, one track has been removed and the other modified

-Two new ingame tracks added

-First sound effects added, one for Bubbs being attacked, one for buildings/vehicles and one for humans

Version .021 New Changes (9/2/2023):


-The Bubb Planet has been added in the menu background

-Music has been added into the game, with three tracks: One for the main menu, and two ingame ambient tracks

-Music Slider in settings added

-Adaptive Music has been added, based on how many units are involved in combat.


-Slightly fixed pacing in Bubb Survival, slight rubberbanding of enemy unit count to prevent lag later on.

Version .02 New Changes (2/2/2023):


-Remodelled tech upgrade code, should prevent spammed units from missing upgrades

-Significant AI improvement, units stutter a lot less when moving towards a building, reduced when garrisonning

-Fixed error found in infantry and ranged units not receiving attack upgrades

-Fixed glitch that sometimes prevented hotkey placement

-Fixed garrisons up to 12 units


-Human survival mode added

-Aluminium Age added

-4 new units for the Aluminium Age: Halberdier, Headslingbubb, Wallsmasher, Juggernaut (Aluminium)

-Enemy Bubbs now age up

-More random events, varying by age

-Score at end of game, based on difficulty, population, tech and how quickly you win


-Slowed tech acquisition by increasing cost for repeating techs

-Remodelled morale damage to fit better with incremental upgrades

Version .013 New Changes (26/1/2023):


-Society values and RP now reset on start

-Fixed energy values going below 0

-Gate now easier to click

-A civilian needs to be selected to build with hotkeys.


-New Stone Age Units: Shaman, Juggernaut (Stone)

-New Bronze Age Units: Slingbubb, Pikebubb, Juggernaut (Bronze)

-New Building: Shrine


-Adjusted House Tax and Maintenance costs significantly, small changes to other society sliders

-Population Capacity now affects subject opinion

-Killing fleeing enemy units affects subject opinion

-Increased Tower projectile velocity

-Increased starting resources

Version .012 New Changes (19/1/2023):


-Tech cost and application to walls fixed


-New Building: Mine

-New Bronze Age Unit: Headbutter

-Society system added. Adjust taxes, salary and funding whilst balancing subject opinion

-Unit siege modifier added


-Resource loot removed from enemy kills

-Research points gained from enemy kills increased

-Building resource yields increased

-New random events to complement society system

Version .011 New Changes (12/1/2023):


-Workaround made for debilitating bug that stops game timer (may deselect units instead)


-Ingame Bestiary added in, seperating the Bubblopedia into two components

-Building textures and models change when entering the next age


-Waves slowed, random chance of extra enemies appearing

-Random events added to survival mode

Version .01 New Changes (5/1/2023):


-Enemies no longer regenerate health.

-Update panel scrolling bugs removed.


-Major graphics overhaul.

-Can now drag-click to place walls.

-Can no longer place buildings on units.

-Health bars added to garrison and multiple unit select.

-Can now hover over any unit to show health, and morale status of fleeing units.

-AI pathfinding improved.

-New Building: Gate. Must be built on a wall with two adjacent walls to the left and right.

-Building delay added. Construction occurs while a Civilian is nearby.

-Wave timer added to Survival Mode.


-Morale defense now tied to health to mitigate health scaling from routing enemy units.

-Time before first wave extended.

Version .006 New Changes (29/12/2022):


-Description health and garrison overlap from buildings removed when drag selecting a unit.


-Optimisation to movement code, now triggers less reducing lag later on.

-Reduction of code running on inactive garrisoned units greatly improving performance later on.


-Morale added in, with morale attack and defense hidden.

-Flee attitude added, alongside an action to have units below 50% health flee.


-Units no longer regenerate health outside of garrisons

Version .005 New Changes (22/12/2022):


-Less chance of menu overlap when placing a building and selecting multiple units.

-Units no longer fire before facing towards their target.

-Slight UI placement fix.


-Rudimentary tech system added

-Slight Graphics Tweak

-Two new buildings! Workshop and Academy.


-Houses moved to their permanent function: No energy produced, but a base +5 population cap.

-Enemies get more powerful over time.

Version .004 New Changes (15/12/2022):


-Formation, attitude and multiple unit button colour glitch fixed.


-Building Garrisons added to the game.

-Garrisoned units heal 2x as fast, and provide bonuses to some buildings.

-Can press 'Delete' to remove your buildings and units.

-New 'Attack Move' attitude added. Old 'Pursuit' attitude now attacks a selected target and is the default unit attitude.

-Ingame pause menu added

-New Building: Tower


-Slight damage rework.

-Wall cost increased by 15 to 25 energy.

Version .003 New Changes (11/12/2022):


-Game tick reset when starting survival


-Settings menu with difficulty sliders

-Update panel added

-Projectile gravity added

-Civilian Bubbs now throw stones, Stone Throwers are now Spear Throwers

-Unit Formations (Close, Standard, Far) and Attitudes (Pursuit, Sentinel) added.

-Victory and Defeat Screens.

-New Building: Wall


-Barracks units gold cost increased by 5, energy cost reduced by 5.

-Maximum unit selection cap set to 30.